1. Warming up with three good things (or more)
2. Enjoying a lightening round of "Yes, No, Maybe" with follow-up Grid Group discussions
- Topic #1: Which practices (from these slides) empower you and how?
- Topic #2: Which practices disempower you and how?
- Topic #3: How would you define "power"?
4. Setting up your own virtue charts, which you'll be keeping until January 31
- Set up a 2nd Semester folder inside your American Lit folder.
- Start a document called "Virtue Chart" and place it in your 2nd semester folder.
- Click here to check out mine (feel free to use it as a template if you wish).
- A few suggestions on your virtue charts:
- When choosing verbs, go with "I will..." (studies show this leads to greater success in attaining goals).
- Explain carefully what each goal personally means to you.
- Aim for goals that empower you.
- Be specific in your expectations; make them as measurable as you can.
- Watch this short, animated video to start forming a definition of empathy.
- Take this Berkley quiz to find out how empathetic you are and read the results.
- Use the results explanation from the quiz to add at least ONE GOAL to your "Virtue Chart"that involves practicing empathy.
1. Please have your parents/guardians sign the class syllabus. Due Thursday, Jan 11.
2. Consider purchasing your own copies of Fences (August Wilson) and The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald).
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