1. Warming up with one thematic question (5 minutes):
- How is Troy physically described? When you watch him in performance, what's his presence like on stage / in the film?
- How does his size relate to his personality?
- How are his dreams, conflicts, and failures as big as our whole country's dreams, conflicts, and failures?
2. Viewing the last 40-ish minutes of the film (start at 1:38 pm) with a focus on symbolic choices; click HERE for the exit ticket, which you may complete at any time.
All journal entries for Reader's theater are due TODAY. If you missed a performance, read the scene on your own and look at a classmate's blog to see what the acting company's question was.
All journal entries for Reader's theater are due TODAY. If you missed a performance, read the scene on your own and look at a classmate's blog to see what the acting company's question was.