Friday, December 8, 2017

Preparing a Strong Speech: December 8, 2017

Focus: How do I organize and prepare a strong speech?

1. Warming up with a mini-assessment on run-ons

2. Looking through your raw materials and finding patterns (color-coding can help with this)

3. Using those patterns to organize and develop ideas; click here if you'd like a prep sheet.

4. Fine tuning important details:
  • What will be the first thing you say to us?
    • Be vulnerable (pathos/ethos).
    • Consider telling a story (ethos).
    • Consider addressing/involving your audience (pathos).
    • Consider shocking/intriguing us with a fact (logos).
  • What will be the last thing you say to us?
    • Make us believe in your ideal.
    • Consider calling us to action.
    • Your speech took us on a little journey. The ending should be even better than the beginning.
    • "And that's my speech about ____."  "And that's pretty much it."
  • What will be on the slides behind you?
    • An image?
    • A single word or short phrase?
    • A quotation?
    • A graph or chart?
    • A video you made that's no longer than 20 second in duration?
    • Remember to avoid guiding bullet points or any writing that goes beyond a phrase or single quotation.
5. Signing up for your presentation dates

1. Assigned book club reading and syllabus-creating for Tuesday. Keep in mind the feedback you received on your first and second syllabi.

2. Work on your final speech by writing/outlining, preparing your media, and practicing every night. Be ready to deliver it on the day you signed up.

3. Click HERE if you'd like to preview the rubric for your transcendentalist blog posts. Your blog, as well ALL MAKE-UP WORK / REVISIONS FROM THE LAST 6 WEEKS must be completed by 3:00 pm on Thursday, December 14. Please note: This will be one of the few assignments that you will not be able to revise or take extra time on because we are at the end of the semester.

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