Wednesday, November 1, 2017

We Wear the Mask: November 1, 2017

Focus: What does it mean to wear a mask?

1. Warming up with a three-minute mini-write: "We wear the mask."

2. Group readings of Paul Laurence Dunbar's "We Wear the Mask":

Round 1 (Vocabulary): Footnote the words you don't know.

Round 2 (Coding): Highlight the words and phrases that you associate with "the mask" in one color. Then, highlight the words and phrases you associate with what's really underneath the mask in a different color. 

Round 3 (Motifs): In the margins, explain what patterns you notice among words associated with the mask. Then, explain what patterns you notice among words associated with what's underneath the mask.

Round 4 (Tone): Skim back through our tone words (linked HERE). Which word best captures Dunbar's tone? Support your thoughts with three words or phrases from the poem.

Round 5 (Context): Take a moment to look up our author, Paul Laurence Dunbar. What aspects of his life might connect to this poem? Write them down underneath the poem (if you need help, check out the image at the top of today's blog).

Round 6 (Theme): What do you think Dunbar wants us to understand better or differently after reading "We Wear the Mask"?

3. Reading and journalling "The Minister's Black Veil"; you may use the Gothic journal or your own journal (due tomorrow).
  • Try incorporating today's ideas about wearing the mask, and/or... 
  • Try bringing in yesterday's ideas about the uncanny (what's both familiar and unfamiliar about the minister, and what disturbance does this create?).
  • Click HERE if you'd like a vocabulary list for this story.
1. BY THURSDAY: Please finish "The Minister's Black Veil" with a journal entry (you can use the Gothic journal entry or go back to your ELIC journal--pick the one that helps you the most out of the story). 

  • Prepare to share a part of your of memoir (somewhere between a sentence and a paragraph).
  • Bring index cards to class on Friday; we will do some brainstorming for your big speech and develop some itty bitty warm-ups.

3. If you wish to revise the content of your cultural hysteria essay (not just the grammar), you must conference with me. 

All revisions must be submitted by November 10, which is the end of 12 weeks.


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  2. Why didn't they take off the black veil after Mr. Hooper demanded after his death?


Stand Up and Speak (Finals, Day 2): May 25, 2018

Focus: What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with a few reminders 2. Speaking and Listening: Enj...